File Menu
Open a new document. You are warned if the existing document has unsaved changes.
Open an existing Crystal Button (.cb) file (A file previously saved using Save or Save as). Note that you cannot open jpg, bmp or gif files exported from Crystal Button.
Save the document as an .cb file. This lets you reload it back into Crystal Button in the future
Save as
Save the document under a different name.
Export Image
Create a jpg, bmp or gif file of the current document.

Note that you cannot reload bitmaps back into Crystal Button so if you want to make further edits in the future, save the document as an .cb file.

Exit Crystal Button



Edit Menu
Undo the last action. Crystal Button offers unlimited undo so you can step all the way back to the beginning. You can also press CTRL+Z to undo the last action.
Undo the last Undo operation (also you can press CTRL-Y to redo).
Copy Image
Put the image into the clipboard, so you can then paste it into other applications.
Export Quality
Display the Export Quality dialog box, so you can change the default quality settings for gif and jpeg image file formats.
Display Settings
Display the Display Settings dialog box. You can change the most common settings: image alignment, dithering options and Template Library settings.



View Menu
Increased Size
Switch Crystal Button to the Increased Size mode, so you can adjust some details of your work.

Note that in this mode the image will be draft quality and if you want to export the button image don’t forget to switch the Crystal Button to the Actual Size mode back.

Actual Size
Switch Crystal Button to the Actual Size mode. You can change the actual image size in the Image Options dialog box. More details of Image Options dialog box.
Template Library
Display or hide the Template Library window.
Display or hide the Toolbar at the top of the window.
Status Bar
Display or hide the Status Bar at the bottom of the window.



Window Menu
Open the Text Options dialog box. This dialog box provides a range of options for changing the appearance of text. More details of the Text Options dialog box.
Open the Lighting Options dialog box. This lets you change the position and the color of the specified light. More details of the Lighting Options dialog box.
Open the Material Options dialog box. This lets you change the material of the button. You can select from predefined materials (glassy, plastic, metallic) or create your own. More details of the Material Options dialog box.
Open the Borders Options dialog box. This dialog box lets you change borders width and shape. More details of the Borders Options dialog box.
Open the Shape Options dialog box. This dialog box provides a range of options for changing the shape of the button. More details of the Shape Options dialog box.
Open the Deformation Options dialog box. This dialog box provides a range of options for changing the appearance of the button. More details of the Deformation Options dialog box.
Open the Image Options dialog box. This dialog box lets you change the background color and the size of the image. More details of the Image Options dialog box.